what is liposuction?

“Lipo” (from the Greek “lipos) means fat. And liposuction is a cosmetic surgical procedure by which excess fat is broken down and sucked out from under the skin. ​​Liposuction can be used to target fat under the chin, neck, cheeks, upper arms, breasts, abdomen, buttocks, hips, thighs, knees, calves, and ankle areas.

When performed by our expert plastic surgeons, liposuction can help reshape your contours – body and face. While it is certainly not a shortcut to drastic and instant weight loss, It eliminates those stubborn pockets of fat and restores youthful definition where it matters most: your midsection, thighs, flanks, and arms.

what is liposuction?

“Lipo” (from the Greek “lipos) means fat. And liposuction is a cosmetic surgical procedure by which excess fat is broken down and sucked out from under the skin. ​​Liposuction can be used to target fat under the chin, neck, cheeks, upper arms, breasts, abdomen, buttocks, hips, thighs, knees, calves, and ankle areas.

When performed by our expert plastic surgeons, liposuction can help reshape your contours – body and face. While it is certainly not a shortcut to drastic and instant weight loss, It eliminates those stubborn pockets of fat and restores youthful definition where it matters most: your midsection, thighs, flanks, and arms.

what is liposuction?

“Lipo” (from the Greek “lipos) means fat. And liposuction is a cosmetic surgical procedure by which excess fat is broken down and sucked out from under the skin. ​​Liposuction can be used to target fat under the chin, neck, cheeks, upper arms, breasts, abdomen, buttocks, hips, thighs, knees, calves, and ankle areas.

When performed by our expert plastic surgeons, liposuction can help reshape your contours – body and face. While it is certainly not a shortcut to drastic and instant weight loss, It eliminates those stubborn pockets of fat and restores youthful definition where it matters most: your midsection, thighs, flanks, and arms.

what is liposuction?

“Lipo” (from the Greek “lipos) means fat. And liposuction is a cosmetic surgical procedure by which excess fat is broken down and sucked out from under the skin. ​​Liposuction can be used to target fat under the chin, neck, cheeks, upper arms, breasts, abdomen, buttocks, hips, thighs, knees, calves, and ankle areas.

When performed by our expert plastic surgeons, liposuction can help reshape your contours – body and face. While it is certainly not a shortcut to drastic and instant weight loss, It eliminates those stubborn pockets of fat and restores youthful definition where it matters most: your midsection, thighs, flanks, and arms.

what is liposuction?

“Lipo” (from the Greek “lipos) means fat. And liposuction is a cosmetic surgical procedure by which excess fat is broken down and sucked out from under the skin. ​​Liposuction can be used to target fat under the chin, neck, cheeks, upper arms, breasts, abdomen, buttocks, hips, thighs, knees, calves, and ankle areas.

When performed by our expert plastic surgeons, liposuction can help reshape your contours – body and face. While it is certainly not a shortcut to drastic and instant weight loss, It eliminates those stubborn pockets of fat and restores youthful definition where it matters most: your midsection, thighs, flanks, and arms.

what is liposuction?

“Lipo” (from the Greek “lipos) means fat. And liposuction is a cosmetic surgical procedure by which excess fat is broken down and sucked out from under the skin. ​​Liposuction can be used to target fat under the chin, neck, cheeks, upper arms, breasts, abdomen, buttocks, hips, thighs, knees, calves, and ankle areas.

When performed by our expert plastic surgeons, liposuction can help reshape your contours – body and face. While it is certainly not a shortcut to drastic and instant weight loss, It eliminates those stubborn pockets of fat and restores youthful definition where it matters most: your midsection, thighs, flanks, and arms.

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يناير 5, 2020

كيف يمكن للمرء تبييض أسنانه؟ يوجد عدة أنماط لتقنيات تبييض الأسنان. أولاً: هنالك التقنية المنزلية ومن خلالها يستطيع الشخص تبييض أسنانه بالمنزل ولكن تحت إشراف طبيب الأسنان ووصفته الطبية. وتكمن طريقتها في ارتداء قوالب بها جل التبييض. وهذه القوالب خفيفة الوزن وتُثبت حول الأسنان مباشرة. تهدف هذه التقنية إلى وضع الجل على أسطح الأسنان دون […]

Dr. Sanjay Parashar

يناير 5, 2020

ما الذي يمكنك فعله حينما تكون في المنزل!!! هنالك العديد من التدابير الوقائية التي يمكنك تنفيذها لتجنب إلحاق أي أذى بأسنانك أو إصابتها. تتمثل إحدى الطرق في تقليل احتمالية تضرر الأسنان والشفتين والوجنتين واللسان في ارتداء واقي الفم عند المشاركة في الألعاب الرياضية أو الأنشطة الاستجمامية المحفوفة بالمخاطر المختلفة. امتنع عن مضغ المثلجات وحبوب الذرة […]

Dr. Sanjay Parashar


يناير 5, 2020

(أو دروس العناية بصحة الفم والأسنان المستوحاة بدءاً من رواية دون كيخوتي إلى إبداعات المغني دكتور آلبن) “قد تندثر الحقيقة ولكنها كالنور لا تخفى”، “الرزانة المفرطة كالجنون في حد ذاته”، “الجوع أهنأ طعام في العالم”… إذا كنت ممن قرؤوا رواية دون كيخوتي، فمن المحتمل أنك على علم بتلك الأقوال بطريقة أو بأخرى. وبوصفنا أطباء أسنان، […]

Dr. Sanjay Parashar